Sunday, March 23, 2014

When no one is around

When you have children you know that silence means they are on to something, and it's usually not good. I have a fourth month old little boy, so far I haven't had any of these experiences but I lived with my nephew when I was 16 yrs old, he was about 2 or 3 and oh boy.. every time he disappeared and there was silence you knew he was up to no good. I think as we get older we sometimes act like children. As an adult we don't misbehave and put ourselves in danger like children do. We may not do things to cause us physical harm, but we put ourselves in situations that can cause us emotional or mental harm.

When we are alone, and I don't mean, physically alone, I mean, emotionally lonely, we make wrong decisions. We mismanaged our use of time and money. We invest in the wrong things and people, we focus on the negative. Some people may fall into depression, others may just waste time on going out, partying too much, or even working too much. The point is.. we make ourselves lost. If we have family, we don't give family the priority, this includes giving enough time to your spouse.
It's very easy to find ourselves up to no good when we are emotionally lonely. But there are ways to occupy your mind better. You should pick up a book, pick a hobby, eat healthier, pick a different route to go to work or wherever it is you go. The point is, to change your routine. When you have the same daily routine for weeks, months and years you do things automatically hence you get mentally lonely. Your whole life can go to waste when you are not paying attention. It is important to reinvent yourself.. recognize that we need change and act on it.

Remember that God made us for a purpose and the more you seek that purpose the less lonely and empty you will feel. Jesus is the only one that makes myself feel complete. I know I need to spend more time seeking the Lord when I find myself having negative thoughts and loosing faith. Remember that its NORMAL to have moments of doubt for it is in those moments that God brings your faith to another level. But its not normal to occupy ourselves with things that have no purpose in our lives. Let's not be like children in that sense that we loose ourselves and loose time. Let's cherish each other and each day, finding a new purpose in every opportunity that we may get.
What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, 
and yet lose or forfeit their very self?
Luke 9:25

"When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;
when health is lost, something is lost;
 when character is lost, all is lost".
Billy Graham

Friday, March 7, 2014

When things Turn Around

Why is it when things are going great in your life, something happens to someone you love? It's like you can't have a peaceful and happy moment without finding negative news.
I received negative news today. Someone I love dearly was diagnosed with cancer. Yes, cancer... we've all heard it, we've all have seen it. We know Someone that had it, either a friend or family member, an acquaintance you once met at a friends party dinner or even as a personal experience. But we all have heard the devastating news, we have used the word at some point in our lives and T even felt the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it.

Being diagnosed with any type of cancer its a very scary thing, eventhough I haven't personally experience such a thing, I see it everyday in my field of work and I know how devastating it is to receive those news. First thought that comes to mind is, how long is this person or am I going to live? How bad is it and can we treat it immediately? Usually people tend to think the worst and have negative thoughts about it. But with time I've learned that the best approach is to be hopeful, be positive and trust... trust in God, have faith!

We seek God in our weakest moments, in or deepest time of need, and why not? He is our support, our healer, our counselor and he gives us the strength to overcome any obstacle, any trial that we face. You may not have a spiritual life but when somthing strikes you down you run and seek God, he is the only one that can provide the peace that comes within which surprisingly, its what keeps us going. I know that for some people this can be very unrealistic, but faith is not based on what we can see, and whats factual. Instead it originates from what can't be proven, what can't be tested or measured. I belive things can turn around. Just like they negatively turned around, they will turn around again with a positive outlook.

If you have ever being a position where you can help a friend in need at their worst, I encourage you to do it. Sometimes we can't do more than just be there, pay a visit, give a word of encouragement, at the end, thats our role in this world. We can't be selfish all the time and let ourselved be carried away with live's little things that have no value. Being there for each other, supporting each other and lifting each other up is our purpose in this world. One word of encouragement can mean the world to the person who hears it. Lets lift our eyes, smile at the people around us and love one another.

Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.
Jeremiah 33:6

"Even if your body isn't healthy, your soul overcomes that, it doesn't even care, it worships anyway, it's joyful anyway. That's what God wants to give you in your life."
-Lacey Mosley

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Change or a new beginning

Ever wonder if its time for change but you just dont know what to change or if you even need to change?. Sometimes we might confuse ourselves with change and new beginnings. I think both are very similar but I believe change comes when you know there is something you want to do or are doing, and there is somewhere you want to go or get to, but whatever it is you are doing can't seem to take you there. However, starting something new is when you need a new purpose, a new beginning but you don't know where you are going to end up.

I'm at a point in life where I think I need a new beginning, a new purpose. Don't get me wrong, i have wonderful things, new things, that happened to me in 2013 and carried over the new year. The birth of my son, the new apartment where we moved in, new friends, new work schedule. Nevertheless i still feel the need of a new "something". Could it be that motherhood brought this new feelings as a way to prepare me and provide better for now, my family? Is it a hormonal derived need to start something new or a genetically biological want that's triggered by giving birth? Who knows, all i know that as a professional woman of the 21st century and influenced by technology and everything around me i want something new... A new beginning... 

Study shows how mom's brain is changed through pregnancy and leads to mother's behavior towards their baby, such as the feeling to nurture your child. Perhaps this is the reason or  motivation i am now feeling for something new. And here i am, starting this journal about anything and everything that pops in my head. Im excited about this little chapter in my life. There are many wonderful things that happen  on a daily basis we take for granted. Life brings wonderful little things that are important to record. Its as easy as picking up your phone and snapping a picture, twitting a phrase or changing the mood of your Facebook status. This is the era of sharing and communicating and challenging ourselves on a daily basis.

See, I am doing a new things
 Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness 
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19

“For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."

(Little Gidding)”